Wildnismentor partners offer training programmes in nature connection based on different approaches. To share practices within an Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership each partner organises a training programme for a 10 day LTTA (Learning Teaching Training Activity).
LTTA 1 – Winter Friluftsliv – Sjövik Folkhögskola in Folkärna/Sweden – January 21-30-2020
Sjövik´s cabins at Nysätersvallen will form the basecamp for the week. The overall goal is learning skills related to friluftsliv in winter conditions. Daily chores at the cabins, day trips, evening gatherings and an overnight camp in the woods nearby will form the foundation.
Breaking it down into measurable goals it looks like this:

- Learning basic skiing skills: Classic stride, going uphill and downhill, changing directions (lappkast), tending the skis.
- Learning the basics of winter clothing for friluftsliv and how to adapt to changing weather conditions.
- Learning the basics of food planning for. a winter trip
- Understand the selection of group gear for a winter trip
- Learning routines for daytrips in wintertime: pausing, drinking, eating, tempo, navigating, tending to skis and equipment, weather, safety, etc.
- Navigating during winter
- Setting up comfortable camp in snow and spending comfortable night in it
- Selecting firewood and making fire for warmth and cooking
- Cooking over open fire
- Learning basic woodworking crafts, using carving knife and ax
- Understanding safety and safe travel
- Learning the basics for treating frostbites and hypothermia
- Knowing the principles for rescue and aiding rescue teams
- Understanding the concept of friluftsliv
- Understanding the concept of the model for mentoring in friluftsliv.

Read about the outcome of the LTTA here in our Debriefing jamboard and visit our February blog to watch a video about teambuilding and the expedition.
LTTA 3 Nature reconnection – BSH der Hoffbauer gGmbH in Potsdam/Germany from April 25th to May 4th 2022

- Overview on underlying principles of Coyote Mentoring
- Understanding the Natural Cycle of Learning (8 Shield model and attributes of connection)
- Practicing Core Routines and Extended Core Routines of nature connection
- Principles and practical stages of having talking circles
- Methods of sharing and reflecting
- Getting to know tools and methods to identify and record tracks and signs of wildlife
- Introduction to bird language
- Based on tracks gaining an insight into biology of animals and their connection to the landscape
- Effective ways of approaching wildlife and raising sensual awareness
- Exhibiting an inqusitive focus